£13.00 per hour for regular weekly & monthly hire
£15.00 per hour for one off bookings (minimum 4 hours & £60)
- We ask that you book for the entire time you need the hall, including any setting up and tidying away time. For weekend bookings we request you book for a 4 hour period, 3pm-7pm on a Saturday, 10am-2pm or 2pm-6pm on a Sunday. These reduced weekend operating hours have been implemented to respect neighbours of the hall.
- Our main room is 12m x 6.75m, capable of housing a moderately sized bouncy castle for childrens parties. We have an extensive garden that is included in your booking should you require it, but out of respect for the neighbouring gardens we must insist that you do not play music outside or put a bouncy castle in the garden. Click on the link below and follow the instructions to make a booking request. https://v2.hallmaster.co.uk/Scheduler/View/10594
- We are a ‘not for profit’ organisation, all money we receive gets reinvested in the building. None of the volunteers receive any payment for their time. This hall is for the benefit of Blackwell and neighbouring areas, and our pricing has been set at a level where we hope to be able to break even. We want as many bookings as possible so that we can generate the required income, so we’re happy to consider any activity within reason. However there are a couple of rules that we request you abide by:
- The hall remains Methodist owned, and as with all of their UK premises, gambling and the sale or consumption of alcohol are prohibited. Trading on a Sunday is also not permitted.
- Whilst all other faiths are respected, it is obviously not possible to actively encourage, promote or accommodate them.
- Be considerate to neighbours of the hall. Specifically, please keep noise to an acceptable level. Noise levels are considered unacceptable if neighbouring properties can hear the noise inside their own homes.
- All hirers must leave the building in the condition they found it. If you do not find it in an acceptable condition, please let us know and ideally provide photographic evidence to allow us to recover costs from the previous hirer.
- Regular classes need to have their own public liability insurance and risk assessments specific to the activity they are putting on. This does not apply to one-off bookings such as parties.
- Any inflatable equipment being used must be hired and supervised by a third party commercial organisation, and all commercial organisations that attend should have their own Public Liability Insurance.
- Parking is limited. At a squeeze, 7 cars parked off the road is a possibility. For those parking on the road, please be aware that it is the main route though the village and that includes buses, so please park sensibly. There are instructions pinned to the front door to encourage considerate parking. We would suggest a limited number of vehicles on Greenhill, all on the same side of the road and obviously not blocking the pavement or driveways, with any extras parking on nearby roads. With the hall being mainly for the benefit of the village, we would encourage people to walk to the hall, but we realise this isn’t always possible when the evenings are dark. (Please also note that the adjacent church is now a private home, but they are very forgiving so don’t worry if any of your attendees don’t realise this and accidentally park on their drive!)
We hope the following answers any questions you may have in respect of pricing and payment:
- We do not charge different rates for non-residents of Blackwell, although our hope is that most of what happens in the hall is for the benefit of residents of Blackwell and neighbouring areas.
- We allow regular classes some storage space onsite if they need it. There is no charge for this. However we want to be fair to all classes with the limited space we have, so it has to be proportionate to need and usage. And therefore we must reserve the right to review this, for all hirers, as the hall gets busier.
- Payment terms for repeat bookers are a month in advance; we’ll invoice you at the start of the month, giving you 14 days to pay for the following month. For one-off bookings we request payment at time of booking.
- Refunds on cancellation will only be considered in exceptional circumstances, and may depend on whether we’re able to hire out the time slot you have vacated.
If you want to hire and are unsure exactly what you’ll be getting, we completely understand and are happy to arrange a time to let you look round. You can message us via our Facebook page or email us on BCHBlackwell@gmail.com.
Most of us doing this have full time jobs, so if we're slow in responding please bear with us. And if we completely forget to respond, please send us a gentle reminder and accept our apologies!